Game Help

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9.3.2 Switching Circles

If you ever decide that your current circle of knowledge is not suitable for your character for any reason, you can switch to one of the other two circles.

The command is SWITCH CIRCLE <circle> - the circle can be Demonic, Magick, or Anti-Magick. You will be prompted to AGREE before the switch is actually made.

You do not need to forget your current circle's professions. You can't, however, use your old professions as long as you are in a different circle of knowledge.

Before you can switch your circle, you first need to quit your circle or council, guild, as well as any cult or sect that you may be a member of.

After you switch circles, your active profession is set to none. You are then able to switch to a profession within your new circle, or to obtain one by joining a guild or being apprenticed by a suitable master.

Switching circles may come with a lesson fee attached, as follows:

* If you are not keeping any professions from your -current- circle, there is no fee.

* If you are keeping professions, and have last switched 30 RL days ago or less, you pay 900 lessons.

* If you are keeping professions, and have last switched 60 RL days ago or less, you pay 600 lessons.

* If you are keeping professions, and have last switched 90 RL days ago or less, you pay 300 lessons.

* If you are keeping professions, and have last switched more than 90 RL days ago, there is no fee.

You can use SWITCH CIRCLE COST at any time to check your current cost.

IMPORTANT: skills are never shared between circles. If you know, for example, Weaponmastery within one circle, you still need to learn it anew in your new circle if you obtain a profession that uses the skill.