Game Help

Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play.

22.4 House Addons

The following addons can be purchased for houses you own. Pricing information can be found in HELP HOUSES.

A newsroom allows for the use of the NEWS command to enter the newsroom. This allows for the reading and writing of news from within your house! See HELP NEWS.

A postoffice within your home allows you to request blank letters, mail letters, and preserve letters from within your home! You may also customize the messages seen by players when letters are sent and received from your post office! See HELP LETTERS and HELP POSTOFFICE CUSTOMISATION.

Your very own kennel, for housing your many, many pets. See HELP TAMING.

Your very own stable, for housing your many, many mounts. See HELP TAMING.

By purchasing a forge, you can smith (AB SMITHING) from the comfort of your home!

The trophycase is a very nice way to store the heads of your fallen foes. Use the commands PUT <head> IN CASE and GET <head name> FROM CASE to use it. PROBE CASE will allow you to view your glorious collection.

A stove in your home allows you to craft Cooking designs within your home! See HELP COOKING.

Your very own chessboard. Hold chess games in the comfort of your home!

A Privacy addon within a room will prevent most methods of remote spying into the room! It does not prevent someone from entering the room, however.

This preservation room has all the tools needed to craft venoms and Inventing compounds.

The Travelblock addon prevents most ranged travel into or from the room in which it is placed. Movement by physical means, such as TRACKing (AB TRACK) is not prevented.

The storeroom addon will decrease item decay within the room by half.

A Pantry may be assigned to a Cook, allowing them to sell food within your house!

Your very own library! See HELP LIBRARIES for how to use it.

Your very own Blackjack table! It comes with an attendant to man it.

Your very own roulette table! It comes with an attendant to man it.

Add a beehive to gather beeswax from. This must be placed in a garden room.

A workbench will allow you to make paper and instruments if you have the correct skills.