Game Help
Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play.
2.1 Movement
To move around in Imperian, you will first want to type LOOK or QL in order to see what the exits from the room you are in are. You'll find the exits at the end of the description, and to see what is beyond an exit, you may type GLANCE <direction> or just GL <direction>. To move in that direction, you simply type the direction, as seen below: N or NORTH NE or NORTHEAST E or EAST SE or SOUTHEAST S or SOUTH SW or SOUTHWEST W or WEST NW or NORTHWEST U or UP D or DOWN IN OUT BASE MOVEMENT ------------- The base movement rate in the game for all players is 2 rooms per second. Base movement can only be increased with the pathfinder compass. The compass will increase your base movement to 3 when path-finding. Moving at your base movement rate does not affect your endurance at all. (See below) Endurance is defined by constitution. Constitution determines how many moves you can take over your base movement before you will need to slow down. See HELP ENDURANCE for more details on this. MOVES PER SECOND ---------------- Your character may benefit from defences that increase your movement speed or afflictions that will reduce it. Moving faster than your base movement (see above) will slowly drain your endurance (see below). NOTE: If you wish to move faster than your base movement you must be sprinting. START SPRINTING and STOP SPRINTING will toggle this on and off. Defences Fitness Celerity : +1 MPS Armband of Celerity: +1 MPS Crisp Apple : +1 MPS Effects that reduce MPS to 1: Ethereal Chain Ethereal Shackles Green Shells Beast Card Red Apple Spatium Flying (If you cannot fly via other means) Windstorm Rooms Other Modifications Rigidity : -2 MPS Calfshot : -1 MPS per effect level. Health Modifications 50% Health: 1/2 Total MPS 25% Health: 1 MPS See Also: HELP DOORS, HELP ENDURANCE, HELP PATHFINDING