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9.4.8 The Druid Profession

"Reclaiming the world for the Wilds, Druids wield the power of Nature, using their quarterstaff and link to the Great Trees to vanquish foes."

Basic Information

Armour:     Chainmail

Main stats: Strength - evocation attacks are based on strenght

Recommended statpacks:

Main balances:
            Balance - quarterstaff attacks
            Equilibium - root attacks


- Evocation: This is the primary offensive skillset that allows the Druid to craft their quarterstaff, as well as to use the power of Earth and Air to their will. This skillset is primarily used for hunting.

- Naturebinding: Through their link with the Great Trees, the Druid can summon their roots and use the power of Nature in combination with their quarterstaff. This skillset is primarily used for combat.

- Pioneering: As true masters of Nature, this set of abilities allows the Druid to extract the blessings of the Wilds and use them for healing, travel and exploration.

Combat Focus

With the combination of balance-based quarterstaff attacks and equilibrium-based root attacks, the Druid's primary method to kill is straight-forward damage dealing. While achieving a perfect equilibrium between using their quarterstaff and ordering their roots to advance is naturally hard, the Druid can also use their powers to summon magickal wisps that offer a couple of additional effects. Once the Druid's enemy has been weakened enough, and if their mana is below 25%, the caster can call upon their ultimate bond with Nature and reclaim the body of their enemy.