Game Help

Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play.

13 The Principles of Battle

13.1  Combatprinciples   Some basic information about combat.
13.2  Preparation        Preparing for combat.
13.3  Defending          Defending yourself successfully.

13.4  Weapons            Learn about the weapons in Imperian.
  13.4.1 Proficiencies    Weapon proficiencies and where to learn them.

13.5  Armour             Learn about armour in Imperian.
13.6  Saferooms          Read about rooms which are safe, by Divine order.
13.7  Healingyourself    Learn how to heal yourself.
13.8  Afflictions        More information about the afflictions of Imperian.
13.9  Bodypartdamage     The system of body parts and damaging them.
13.10  Combattips        Some tips for success in combat.
13.11  Combat Rankings   Are you good enough to be #1?
13.12  Mobilecombat      Player vs. Mobile Combat
13.13  Assassins         Hire someone to clean up your mess.
13.14  Writhing          Free yourself of that which binds you.
13.15  Honour Combat     Honourable Combat between opposing organisation members.