9.1 Skillsets

Skills in Imperian are grouped together into skillsets. A skillset is a collection of abilities. For example, the necromancy skillset contains dozens of individual abilities in the art of necromancy. 

View all of your skillsets.

AB <skillset>
View a list of all of the skills in a specific skillset.

General Skillsets
Every character in Imperian automatically has the following skillsets.

Concoctions         Engineering         Evasion
Perception          Smithing            Survival 
Taming              Tattoos             Toxins 

You can learn more about these skills by typing in HELP <skillset name>

Professions Skillsets
Every profession in Imperian has three skillsets, containing dozens of individual skills. Here is a list of all of the profession specific skillsets.

Artistry            Ballistics          Beastmastery
Bonecasting         Bowmanship          Brutality
Chivalry            Crystalbinding      Curses
Desecration         Devotion            Enslavery
Evocation           Fayth               Focus
Hunting             Hypnosis            Inventing
Kaido               Kanai               Knifeplay
Maiming             Malignosis          Naturebinding
Necromancy          Nightfall           Noctu
Pioneering          Predation           Pyroglacia
Rampage             Ritualism           Runelore
Sabotage            Shamanism           Shapeshifting
Spatium             Supremacy           Shadowbinding
Taekate             Tarot               Telepathy
Terratheria         Terrestrialism      Thespia
Torment             Trailblazing        Voice
Warchants           Warding             Weaponmastery

You can learn more about these skills by typing in HELP <skillset name>

In addition, Imperian has seven miniskills. You can read more about these in HELP MINISKILLS.

Here is a list of the different miniskills.
Antidotes           Constitution        Fitness
Frost               Galvanism           Philosophy

You can learn more about these skills by typing in HELP <skillset name>

There are several tradeskills you can learn in Imperian. Tradeskills allow you to create custom items in the game world. See HELP TRADESKILLS for more information.

Here is a list of the different tradeskills.

Apothecary          Cooking             Fireworks
Jewelry             Libations           Masonry
Metalworking        Papercrafting       Tailoring

You can learn more about these skills by typing in HELP <skillset name>