5.4.4 Profession Skill - Bonecasting (Shaman)

The skill of Bonecasting revolves around two aspects: Bones and Fetishes. By casting your bones onto the ground, on yourself, on other people, or on armour, a variety of beneficial or harmful effects may be achieved. Bone designs on yourself or another will work automatically, as will bones on armour. Bones cast on the ground will either work continuously, once, or when an enemy of yours enters the room. The help file for each ability will specify.

While Bones are a nice supplement to other skills, The true power of Bonecasting is only unleashed in the Fetish. By castings up to six bones on a Totem, and then either Implanting it, or Standing it, you are able to create a weapon of destruction that can wreak havoc with anyone the Fetish is tuned to affect, when that person enters the room.

If you find that you have a rune on yourself, or on one of your items, that you do not want, you may SCRUB OFF <bone> ON ME, or SCRUB OFF <bone> ON <item>.

You can also activate/deactivate some bone images with the command TOUCH <bone> ON <item|me>.

Those with skill in Bonecasting can remove runes from totems and the ground. In order to remove a rune from a totem, simply SCATTER <fetish> [SLOT 1-6] (the slot 1-6 is optional). You may also smudge bone images on the ground, with SCATTER GROUND. You may, however, only scatter bone images that were cast by someone with equal or lesser skill in Bonecasting.

You may see the bone images cast on yourself with the command BONEIMAGES.

Bonecasting is used by the Shaman (HELP SHAMAN) profession.