Game Help

Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play.

10.4.4 The Ministry of the Treasury

The Ministry of the Treasury is responsible for maintaining the operating
budgets of the all the ministries but itself and the Ministry of the

The commands associated with the Ministry of the Treasury are:

ALLOCATE <amount> TO <ministry>        : Transfers funds from the treasury
                                         to a ministry. Must be done from
                                         the Council Room.

ALLOCATE <amount> FROM <ministry>      : Transfers funds from a ministry
                                         back to the treasury. Must be
                                         done from the Council Room.

FUNDS TREASURY                         : Shows you how much is in the 
                                         treasury. Only the city Steward
                                         or his aides may transfer more
                                         money from the city coffers to
                                         the treasury. This must be done
                                         from the Council Room.

FUNDS <ministry>                       : See the funds that each ministry
                                         possesses. This must be done from
                                         the Council Room.

READREVLOG/REVLOG                      : Works the same as READLOG in
                                         HELP CITYCOMMANDS, except that it
                                         is a a log of ingoing and
                                         outgoing city revenue. This must
                                         be done from the Council Room.

CITY ECONSTATUS                        : See some basic info on your
                                         city's economic status.