Game Help

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17.4.2 Soul Drain

Soul Drain is a Freeze Tag variant.

Upon joining the event you will be given a soul whip you can use to drain the souls of other players in the event.

In order to soul drain someone in your location, simply type WHIP <player>. In
order to soul drain someone NOT in your location, but within your line-of-sight,
type WHIP <player> <direction>. If you are hit by a soul whip, you will
lose the ability to use your whip for a few moments.

Similar to freeze tag, but instead of a fairy, a soulstealer will be roaming the arena, looking for players to attack.

JOIN SOULDRAIN <arena>      : Joins the game.
WHIP <player>               : Soul whip a player in the same room with you.
WHIP <player> <direction>   : Soul whip a player in the given direction.
Drains                      : See how many times you have been soul drained.
ES/EVENTSTATUS              : See information on the game's participants.