Game Help

Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play.

6.18 Personal journals, books and scrolls

Personal journals are books in which you may record whatever you like.
Journals, Books, Tomes and Scrolls may be purchased, for a rather hefty price,
at many markets throughout the land.

These items are designed for you to record your journeys in the land, keep 
notes in, compose poetry, and generally write whatever you please. They may 
only be written in by the owner of it, though it may be read by anyone.

Journal, books and tomes have 50 pages upon which to write. Scrolls only have 
1 page. Each page can hold a limited (though still fairly large) amount of


TITLE <item> <title>            
  Gives your book or scroll a title.

BOOKMARK <item> PAGE <#> 
  Place the book's bookmark on whatever page you wish. Doing so will cause the
  READ and WRITE commands to operate on that page, if no specific page number
  is specified.

READ <item> PAGE <#>
  Read page <#> in <item>. If you omit the PAGE <#>, then it
  will read, by default, the page that the bookmark is on.

WRITE <journal> PAGE <#> [IN <language>] 
  Write page <#> in <journal>. If you omit the PAGE <#>, then it
  will read, by default, the page that the bookmark is on. If a language is not
  specified, then Common will be used.