Game Help

Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play.

20.4.1 Design approval checklist

So you've gotten a crafting license, learned your new tradeskill, and have a crazy awesome idea about what to make. You whip up a quick design, but you're not sure if it'll pass muster with the Crafter's Union. What do you do!??

Ultimately, getting an item submitted is fairly simple: a design must have a brief appearance, an indication of how it will appear when dropped on the ground, and a full design for when others examine it.

[ ] Does the pattern fit what you've designed? (I.e. a pattern "shirt" should be used to make a "shirt," not a "tunic")
[ ] Does the design include the pattern's name in appearance and dropped?
[ ] Does the design reflect good spelling, grammar, and punctuation?
[ ] Is your spelling throughout the design consistently British OR American?
[ ] Does the design use acceptable materials?

If you're confident your design passes, DESIGN #### SUBMIT.