9.4.7 The Diabolist Profession

"Diabolists cloak themselves in darkness supported closely by their Ouroboros and commanding powerful wraiths to support their rituals."

Basic Information
Armour: Ringmail, leather limb armor

Main stats: 
            Dexterity - Primary damage stat
            Constitution - Higher health is of great benefit

Recommended Statpacks:
            Agile - Decent dex and balance bonus
            Dexterous - Best dex but no balance bonus.

Main balances:
            Balance - Most abilities will require balance to use.
                      There are very few places where you will use equilibrium.

- Ritualism: Ritualism allows the channeling of demonic energy through traced symbols. Most symbols can both harm and benefit based on how their use. These are the primary skills of a Diabolist.

- Malignosis: Malignosis centers around the Diabolist's Ouroboros: a demon born of the Diabolist that provides them assistance. Most of your defensive abilities live here, along with Catharsis, the Diabolist's killing blow.

- Nightfall: Nightfall draws wraiths from the Rashimir plane. Wraiths can provide many benefits, from healing to harming the Diabolist's enemies.

Combat Focus
As a Diabolist, you will primarily aim to drain your opponent's health and mana so that you may have your Ouroboros rip their soul from their body. Diabolist requires one to pressure their target while setting up large bursts of damage while balancing their wraiths between offense and defense. Clever use of Sun and Moon provides large bursts of damage while using either direct damage with elemental and Repetition symbols or loading afflictions to disrupt their curing and offense. Wraiths are valuable tools to apply pressure, reduce pressure on yourself, and buff ritualism abilities. It is easy to forget that in need, you may turn your symbols to the benefit of yourself or allies with the Inverse symbol.