17.11 Hunt Games

The grandest sport known throughout the land! Or perhaps not. But fun nonetheless. The idea of this game is to gather as many special gems which are scattered about the land in the time limit provided. The person with the highest score at the end of the time period is the winner.

To check your score for any hunt games use the syntax that goes with that variation of the game:

For SOULHUNT and GIFTHUNT games use the command HUNTSCORES.

GEMHUNT, FROGHUNT, HEARTHUNT, or SHOTHUNT will work for their respective versions.

During a gemhunt, the objective is to hunt for gems!
The point values for gems are:
   8 points: a stunning rainbow-prism opal
   5 points: a sapphire
   3 points: a forest-green emerald
   2 points: a tear-shaped garnet
   1 point: a topaz

A soul hunt is a variation of the hunt game where the items are souls.!
The point values for souls are:
   8 points: a fuschia-tinted fleeting soul
   5 points: a amethyst-tinted fleeting soul
   3 points: a emerald-tinted fleeting soul
   2 points: a sapphire-tinted fleeting soul
   1 point: a sanguine-tinted fleeting soul

A froghunt is a variation of hunt game where the items are frogs, and they move!
The point values for frogs are:
   8 points: a ruby red frog
   5 points: a brown frog
   3 points: a lime green frog
   2 points: a light yellow frog
   1 point: a teal frog

A hearthunt is another variation of hunt game where the items are little conversation hearts, intended to help celebrate a little lovey-dovey holiday.
   8 points: a black conversation heart
   5 points: a purple conversation heart
   3 points: a red conversation heart
   2 points: a blue conversation heart
   1 point: a pink conversation heart

A shothunt is another variation of hunt game where the items are shotglasses, intended to get you drunk while searching for them!
   8 points: a dainty pink shot glass
   5 points: a vibrant violet shot glass
   3 points: a citrine-yellow shot glass
   2 points: a vermilion shot glass
   1 points: a murky grey shot glass

A pumpkinhunt is another variation of hunt game where the items are pumpkins, intended to help celebrate the Month of Scares!
   8 points: a prismatic opal pumpkin
   5 points: a stunning sapphire pumpkin
   3 points: a dark garnet pumpkin
   2 points: a dazzling topaz pumpkin
   1 points: a shimmering emerald pumpkin

A gifthunt is a variation of a huntgame where you search for gifts. You will automatically get 5 gold per point when you find prizes!
   8 points: a chocolate paper-wrapped gift
   5 points: a gold paper-wrapped gift
   3 points: a silver paper-wrapped gift
   2 points: a red paper-wrapped gift  
   1 points: a green paper-wrapped gift

The rules are as follows:

- An item must be in your inventory for it to count towards your score. (Not in a pack or some other container.)

- You will drop any items you carry if you die.

- Player killing to get gems is acceptable ONLY by the choice of the immortal running the event.  This will be announced at the start of the event. When run with killing permitted, experience loss for player killing deaths will be disabled for the duration of the event.

- Items will not be in houses, guildhalls, stockrooms or "Fog of Creation" rooms.