3.7 Emotions

Emotions are a shorthand way of expressing various emotions with one or two words. Generally, these emotions will be seen by everyone in the same location as you. There are hundreds of emotes, and more being added whenever a player suggests a good one. An example of an emote would be SMILE, to smile (unsurprisingly) or SALUTE. Most emotes may be targeted at someone too. So you could, for instance POKE MISTRAL to poke Mistral in the arm. Emotions run the gamut from the mundane to the sometimes silly (try HEADBANG, for instance) and some players delight in trying to discover new ones.

So if, for instance, Nemesis typed FLUTTER VAHIN:

- Nemesis would see: You flutter your eyelashes charmingly at Vahin.

- Vahin would see: Nemesis flutters her eyelashes charmingly at you. 

- Everyone else in the room would see: Nemesis flutters her eyelashes charmingly at Vahin.

A list of emotions may be found in HELP EMOTIONLIST.

You can get a basic idea of what each emote will look like with the command SHOWEMOTE <text>.

You can search for emotes that contain specific text by using EMSEARCH SEARCH <text>

You can search for emotes which may only be used by a specific race with EMSEARCH RACE <race>

A list of special emotes may be found in HELP SPECIALEMOTES <type> where type can be:

You may also create your own customised emotes with the emote command:
  EMOTE <your emote>

If you include something in your emote in quotes (" ") people who see that emote will see the portion contained within the quotes in the same color as they would see their normal says.

The symbol '^' can be used to place your name within the string. If you do not include it, your name will be automatically placed at the start of the emote.

One can also target other players and objects in their inventory or room, with # being for players and @ for objects.

An example of such a targetted emote would be: emote Pointing @sword at #Thanatos, ^ says, "You are a filthy demoner," sternly glaring at #thanatos_him

This would echo to Thanatos: Pointing the Blade of Justice at you, Vahin says, "You are a filthy demoner," sternly glaring at you.

It would echo to the room: Pointing the Blade of Justice at Thanatos, Vahin says, "You are a filthy demoner," sternly glaring at Him.

Multiple objects and players can be targeted with this functionality.

The following syntax list is displayed below:
     -Syntax:--------------Room sees:--Target sees:---
     |#name_he            |he         |you           |
     |#name_she           |she        |you           |
     |#name_his_yours     |his        |yours         |
     |#name_hers_yours    |hers       |yours         |
     |#name_his           |his        |your          |
     |#name_him           |him        |you           |
     |#name_hers          |her        |your          |
     |#name_her           |her        |you           |