15.14 OOC

"OOC" stands for "out of character" which is used to refer to any action that is not a part of the realm of Imperian and your character in it. Anything involving you as a player of the game, rather than your character as a person who lives and exists here, is OOC. Conversely, "IC" refers to anything which is "in character".

While playing Imperian you are required to act in an IC fashion, aside from the exceptions listed below. You should not speak about OOC matters (computers, football, real world things) on any public channel or to anyone who you do not know is happy to hear it. This rule exists to preserve what has become a unique realism in the game that makes playing Imperian as immersive an experience as it is. Without each player making an effort to maintain the reality of the world, the fun of the game and the extent of your belief in it would diminish.

Much like reading a good book or watching a great movie, roleplaying and staying IC makes it worthwhile. Conversely, someone acting OOC is like reading Tolkien while being constantly reminded that Frodo, bless his cotton socks, does not really exist except in the mind of the author.

Additionally, the more IC you are, the more likely you are to be treated generously by the administration. Equally so, those who are OOC gain no favours from the Admins.

The following are ALWAYS considered out-of-character. This means that nothing discussed in these channels should ever be used to base your character's actions in-game.

- Any interactions with Imperian admins (issues, bugs, etc...).
  - This includes crafters, and other mortal helpers' channels.
- The NEWBIE channel.
- Rings (HELP RINGS).
- Clans may be either, but it must be clear and cannot be changed on a whim.