6.28 Jousting

A mounted knight wielding a lance is one of the most puissant forces on the battlefield. The sport of jousting was born from these knights to allow them to show their skill with mount and lance without the fear of killing one another.

A joust is participated in by two mounted warriors, on a large field referred to as the "lists". A wooden barrier referred to as the "tilt" runs down the center of the field. The warriors take their places on opposite sides of the lists and tilt and charge towards each other, each attempting to strike the other with the lance, while attempting to block the other's lance with a shield.

A point is scored for each lance that is broken upon a successful strike, while a match is instantly won if a jouster dismounts the other. Three points win the match, and draws are possible if both jousters simultaneously break their lances on the other.


   - In order to challenge someone to a joust, you must be wielding a
     lance and a shield, as well as riding a horse that has the ability
     to joust. It's also a good idea to have a few reserve lances in your
     inventory, as you will need to replace any that you break on your
   - The challenge must be issued in a joust staging room near a jousting 

  ACCEPT JOUST <person>
   - Accept another's challenge to joust. You must also be wielding a lance,
     a shield, and be riding a horse that can joust.

   - Urge your mount to go faster. When your mount is going quickly, your
     lance strikes will be more powerful and have a better chance to break
     a lance or dismount your target. Your opponent's strikes will also be
     more powerful, however.

   - Urge your mount to go slower.

   - Change at what part of your opponent your lance is targetting. Please
     read below for more about areas you can target.

   - Change what part of your body your shield is protecting.

   - Leaning will change where your opponent's lance will strike. If your
     opponent is aiming his lance directly at your chest, leaning to the 
     left will cause your target's lance to instead aim slightly to the
     right of your chest. Please read below for more about areas you can 

   - Shifting your weight forward and back works much the same as changing
     the speed of your mount; it will increase the strength of your strikes.

Target areas include: Left head, head, right head, left shoulder, left upper body, upper body, right upper body, right shoulder, left arm, left lower body, right lower body, and right arm. This means it is possible to move a shield (or lance) to the right, and get a message that may not make sense at first. For example, You move your shield to the right and you are now protecting the left side of your body. You moved from your left arm to your left body.

While jousting is generally considered a sport of the knights, any can participate in the lists. Those well trained in the arts of riding and arms will find themselves at a distinct advantage while jousting, however. In addition, the more you joust (and win), the better skilled you will be at the tilt, and the quicker you will be able to move your lance and your shield.

If you find yourself consistently losing at the joust, your jousting skill will decrease. If you draw with your opponent, your jousting skill will increase or decrease dependent on the skill of your opponent.