22.3 Flowers

Players can submit different types of flowers to grow in your house gardens. Flowers can only be grown in gardens, in houses that you own.

Each submitted flowers costs 10 bound credits. This is refunded if the design is rejected.

List all flowers you can plant in your gardens, flowers you are working on, and flowers you have submitted for admin approval.

FLOWER NEW <type of flower>
Create a new flower. The type of flower must be a single word. For example; rose, tulip, and lily.

View the details for a flower.

FLOWER <id> TYPE <new type>
Change the one word type of flower that was set when you created the flower.

This is a short, lowercase, description of the flower. For exanple; a white lily.

FLOWER <id> DROPPED <desc>
This is a description that will be used when an individual flower is laying on the ground in a room. It has been picked from the garden. For example; A white lily lies on the ground.

This is the full, probed description of the flower. This is used when the flower has already been picked from the garden.

FLOWER <id> PLANTED <desc>
This description is seen in the room where the flowers are growing. For example; A bed of tulips is growing here.

Submit the flower to be approved by the game administration. This will cost 10 credits. If the flower is rejected to be revised, those credits are returned.

Assign this flower to grow in this room. The room must be in your house and must be the garden environment. You can only plant one flower in a room. A gardener that is assigned to the room will allow you to place three flower types in a room.

Remove this flower type from growing in this room.

List the flower types you have assigned to this room and how many can be harvested.

PICK <flower>
Pick a flower from this flower bed. Flowers grow slowly. You may see flowers growing in a room, but there are none ready to be picked.