Game Help

Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play.

17.9 Lotteries

In order to participate in an Imperian lottery, go to the lottery office.                                                                 
Once there, you may BUY TICKET IN <lottery #>.

When a lottery is over, the prize will be awarded, and all the land will know who won.                                                           


 - List all lotteries you can participate in. Also lists any tickets you 
   bought in that lottery. Tickets are non-transferrable.

BUY <#> TICKETS IN <lottery#> 
 - Buys tickets in the specified lottery number for yourself. If you want 
   to buy a ticket for a friend, append FOR <friend's name>. Your friend 
   will be notified of your generosity. Note that you can buy as many 
   tickets in a lottery as you can afford.        

LOTTERY INFO <lottery #> 
 - Get information on a lottery.

 - If a special lottery, converts physical tickets to tickets in the lottery. Must be done at the Lottery Office in Caanae.

From Aryana's Spring in Caanae, go N and IN to reach the Lottery Tent.