16.9.9 The History of the Ssylsin Race

In the distant past, a splinter group of Caananites ventured into the uncharted western jungles, seeking a new home and destiny. Fate had other plans, as an earthquake tore the land asunder, casting them adrift on a newly formed island, far from the mainland. Isolated and challenged by their new environment, the people adapted and thrived.

The Breaking of the Moon, a cataclysmic event that reshaped the world in many different ways, also affected the island's inhabitants. Exposure to the Diachaim released in the Awakening transformed them, giving birth to the first ssylsin. Their bodies became serpentine, their minds attuned to the rhythms of the jungle, and their spirits connected to the essence of the island.

Upon this jungle island, the Ssylsin grew strong and wise. Their explorations led them to the ocean-dwelling Lamirans, who guided them back to the mainland of Aetherius. In the lush Dun Valley, now known as Yhumara Lake, they found a home reminiscent of their island paradise. But they were not alone.

The Kohdon, a race of reptilian brutes, claimed the deep jungle in the valley. A bitter rivalry ignited between the two races, a feud that would become a defining aspect of their existence. They fought for dominion, each side fueled by a deep-seated hatred and a desire to prove their supremacy.

At some point in history, the Ssylsin must have felt as if their conflict with the Kohdon would never end and that they may need to focus their efforts on gaining a foothold for their race elsewhere. In the heart of the nearby Nogba Wetlands, a  group of ssylsin founded the towne of Ssyra, a place of spiritual significance founded on ideals of tribal unity. Named in honor of Synnessyra, a great spirit that is believed to watch over the tribe, Ssyra became a sanctuary for the ssylsin who were becoming fatigued by war. The towne embraced the philosophy of Death, revering Thanatos, and the whole of Aetherius would soon come to recognize the beauty and allure of the ssylsin death dancers.

Ssyra's relationship with outsiders has been complex. Once closed off even to other ssylsin, the towne slowly opened itself up to visitors. But the ancient grudge against the Kohdon remains, a wound that time has not healed.

The Ssylsin are a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the power of belief. From their humble beginnings as castaways to their transformation into a proud and fierce race, their story is a tapestry of triumph, conflict, and reverence for the natural world. They stand as guardians of the swamp, and keepers of an ancient legacy that continues to shape their destiny.