16.1 The Creation of Mortals

All things living exist in two forms: spiritual and physical. It is the combination of these two forms that creates intelligent, learning life. Without our spiritual form, we would be as empty as the stones or the illusions cast by magick, and without our physical form, our existence would stagnate. We were not always this ideal combination of matter and spirit. In the beginning, it was different.

When the Creator first fashioned the universe, the planets, and the beings that inhabit them, He first created them in pure, spiritual matter. All things living were fashioned as such; the animals, the plants, and the planets themselves all existed in a perfect, pure form.

The creator was unhappy with this form of life. These spiritual forms held intelligence, but lacked the ability to learn, to experience and advance beyond this state. There was no progression for His creations. They could feel nothing; they could not grow beyond the bounds set by their spiritual forms. In spirit, they could not experience happiness or sorrow, not the pains of defeat or the ecstasy of success. In spirit alone, His creations could not develop into what He knew they could eventually become.

Thus the creator fashioned physical matter as hosts for his spiritual creations. All living beings could now grow and progress. We could now learn through trials and experiences, through pain and joy. Not only did His creations have intelligence, but through their physical bodies they could advance their knowledge and understanding far beyond the limits of
their spiritual beings.