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5.10.11 Profession Skill - Devotion (Priest/Templar)

Devotion is a statistic that only those with the skill of Devotion possess. To see how much Devotion you have, you may PERFORM ENLIGHTENMENT. Most of the Devotion abilities cost a certain amount of devotion points, and the amount will generally be shown in the help files on the individual abilities.

Gaining Devotion
Gaining more devotion points happens automatically. Once an Imperian month, a person with the skill of Devotion gets a base amount of devotion points.

Devotional rites are created using PERFORM RITE OF <type>. You can also use PERFORM RITES ALL [WARDING] to perform all rites known to you at once. If WARDING is specified as an additional parameter, it will be used instead of the Piety rite.

While the skillset is used both by Priests and Templars, the two have the capability to bond their very souls to each other. While the phenomena grants great power to both, if either dies, the other will be greatly injured as well.

Devotion is used by the Priest (HELP PRIEST) and Templar (HELP TEMPLAR) professions.