Game Help

Imperian has hundreds of help files to help you learn more about the game and how to play.

1.4 Conduct

When in Imperian, it is important to remember that the other characters have
human beings behind them. No matter how good a roleplayer you are, if you are
a serious player, you will have some attachment to your character, as will
your opponent.

Therefore, please keep in mind that what you do affects other real people in a
very real way. Things like sexual harassment are obvious no-nos, but most
situations just require you to exercise a little judgement.

Remember that if your enemies all quit, you will have nothing to do. While it
is a permissible and legitimate tactic to try and crush the spirit of your
enemy in order to bring him to his knees, this should be done in a manner
befitting the role of your character. It should not be done in a way that
causes the opponent to want to leave Imperian forever, as this harms the land
as a whole.