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Public News Post #3602

Guild Meeting

Written by: Desert Rose, Iabella Athisia, Blossom of the Sandstorm
Date: Thursday, June 27th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

14th day of Solis, 196 AM: Axioun Meeting

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "That is a suitable number now. All."

Iabella says, "I will be recording anything that is said, just to have a record for later."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "And I do have Zixen's thought's in a letter he gave me to read."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "He sent it to me too."

Iabella says, "I believe he sent it to most, I have one as well, but figured I'd let someone else share."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Very well. Let us get this meeting underway then."

Mehmed Ashtear, the anti-goon asks, "What's the main focus?"
In a dry tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "I'm getting to that."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "We've gathered here to discuss the direction of the Axioun guild. Some may be confused as to why we would bother. The answer, of course, is that the Axioun was decided upon by few, and allowed no further input. We have had little progress since our inception, and it is high time that the members who fill our ranks have some say in the matter."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Let's be respectful while we have this meeting, and not talk over each other. Questions are alright, but please let anyone who wishes to speak ask for them first. For those who wish to speak, state your thoughts clearly, and when you are finished with the main body of what you wish to say, make it clear that you have and are ready for questions."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "I reserve the right to end a turn prematurely if people start falling alseep."
In a soft Ithaquin accent, Frosted Rose, Ilira Athisia says, "Note to self, no snoring."

You say to Ilira, "I can elbow you if it helps."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says to Ilira, "It's tuned to snoring."

Nilo Athisia, The Black Thorn says, "Children..."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "As the Grand Master in present times, I have scribed a small scroll, GHELP AXIOUN, with the fundamental basis of our guild. It is a matter that can and will be easily expanded upon, if no sweeping changes are agreed upon."
In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Who wishes to speak first?"

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says to Rhyse, "You have the floor."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "Thank you."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "I will say that I think from the standpoint of guild I am glad we have so many people interested and discussing the guild."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "If I look at where we stand now and what I think needs to change from the chatter and views there are a few things that stand out to me."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "First and foremost much of the found of the guild made the assumption that we are an extension of Antioch and that is not true we are not the army of Antioch or any City."
Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "Founding rather."
In a soft Ithaquin accent, Frosted Rose, Ilira Athisia mutters, "We're not an army period."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Oh, I'm sorry. Can we all just interject?"

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "No."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says to Ilira, "Please wait until he finishes speaking."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "I think when we focus on Axioun it needs to be with a focus on Anti-Magick."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "I think that is an important distinction."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "I also think that based on that assumption the paths were laid out with that in mind."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "I also do not believe we should be focus on the eradication of Magick in it's forms but to contain and counter their spread. We are not an army here to wipe them from the realm."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "That would not be an attainable goal so we should not set it."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "The paths should be easy to follow and offer options for all."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "We should not be a guild of drudgery and tests and trials and things that drive people away."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "Many join the guild not for advancement but for fellowship and common purpose."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "That's a broad view of my thoughts."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "I am happy to expound or dig deeper on any but want others to have the time to speak as well."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "May I note a few things?"

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "The floor is free for comments now, yes."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Actually, I will like to allow others to speak in order to hear everyone's views. My apologies. Please continue."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "I could read Zixen's letter unless all have it."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Well. Mehmed, it is your turn."

Mehmed Ashtear, the anti-goon says, "I dont."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "This will be a quick mouthful."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "Axioun for me have developed the image of a guild that can fulfill the gap of preservation of the Circle of Anti-Magick. Serve as the Protectors and guidance to those lost within the Circle and those that wish to raise upon the purpose of existence. I see Axioun as a guild Built upon the Pillars of Anti-Magick and as the image of that which is true and pure. A kind of Guard for the circle, a Preach of Hope, a Stone which fortify the teachings of Anti-Magick with the Purpose to stop that which corrupts this world into chaos. A force that extends to keep Antioch and Anti-Magick Alive,."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "I'll tell Zixen he put you to sleep."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Okay. Well. I'll keep those in mind when going over the notes later. Does anyone have an opinion on the interjection whose turn it wasn't?"

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Who is next?"

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "As I said."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "It is Mehmed's turn."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "I'd really appreciate if some people would make an attempt to listen."

Mehmed Ashtear, the anti-goon says, "Well...what I would like to really see in axioun is more tradition, more things to do, and ways to put us in peoples we do not have tradition, the paths have been removed, and now to me we are just a guild to join and Forget about."

Mehmed Ashtear, the anti-goon says, "I would really like more of a clear motive, because the stuff about truth is pretty foggy at the best."

Mehmed Ashtear, the anti-goon says, "I don?t really think the pathes are outdated, they just need more work and maybe tailoring them to the different types of members is the best course of action."

Nemeteeh Askare, of the Third Order says, "Good to see you all."

Mehmed Ashtear, the anti-goon says, "Have a path for combative members,a path for more creative types, and so on. maybe allow them to overlap a little bit and branch out more."

Mehmed Ashtear, the anti-goon says, "Maybe Taylor them to whatever path they have chosen instead of making it a series of laborious the combat path can have things related to combat for the members to do."

Mehmed Ashtear, the anti-goon says, "We need to get more involved in the happenings, the story, and traditions of the guild. we really do need to sprinkle in a bit more culture into the axioun. now there is basically none and even something like a blood sacrifice would be better than what we've got now."

Mehmed Ashtear, the anti-goon says, "But that's just my opinion. thank you."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says to Mehmed, "Thank you."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Alright. So I'd like to make a few points in response."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Our previous paths were entirely pointless. They served no purpose but to glorify an old tradition of forcing people to do mundane tasks that don't interest them, in the name of attaining a special title. I'm all for special titles, but I don't agree that the process should ever be mundane or tedious, and it should be something the guild is willing to work with people for."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "That is why they are gone. In the interim, I changed the basic advancement to allow up to the fifth guildrank, and made it clear that more tasks being added was entirely possible."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "I don't think anyone implied that the paths need to be related to what they once were. They also do not need to be tedious or mundane."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "I don't believe I said they would be..."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "I'm simply explaining why we don't have any right now."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Who is next?"

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "I can leave the meeting if everybody else wants to run it."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "I merely asked a question and assumed you finished with your statement."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "It's fine. I'll keep it for later. Who else wishes a turn?"

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Apologies, please continue."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "My soul was ripped and there was a co."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "A confusion."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose smiles and says to Nemeteeh, "You have the floor then."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Or not... anyone else?"

Nemeteeh Askare, of the Third Order says, "I have no topic."

Nemeteeh Askare, of the Third Order says, "Or agenta to share."

Nemeteeh Askare, of the Third Order says, "My main concern is the city guild interelationship."

Nemeteeh Askare, of the Third Order says, "And what are we doing to improve those."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says to Nemeteeh, "I apologize, Nemeteeh. I have missed the trail of the conversation. Are you suggesting that we open up that topic for discussion or do you plan to expand on it?"

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says to Meredyth, "Would you care to continue leading this meeting since Nemeteeh seems to be a bit day dreamy?"

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose smiles and says to Ilira, "You are free to speak now."

In a soft Ithaquin accent, Frosted Rose, Ilira Athisia says, "I know I don't wake a lot, and when I am awake I'm fairly quiet, and I rather like it that way. I'm not forced into experiences and things I don't want to deal with, and while I don't know if there are others in the guild like me, I do wish people would keep things like this in mind. Rhyse already mentioned some of us didn't join the guild to gain ranks and things like that, in fact when my sisters and I first joined the guild, Grantz assured us there would be no fussy pushing through tasks, and paths and other such stuff that none of the three of us at the time wanted much to do with. Now maybe that's changed for Iabella but I still have the same point of view on it. If others want to push paths and things like that, by all means go for it, but I'm not jumping through hoops to do them for anyone."

In a soft Ithaquin accent, Frosted Rose, Ilira Athisia says, "I've said my piece, I'm going back to my original spot."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Very well. Any questions or comments on that?"

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "I will like to address some of the points made if I may."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Go ahead."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "First of all, I would like to thank Rhyse for expressing his views and starting his sentences with I believe because the statements regarding the ties between Antioch and Axioun are exactly that, his own beliefs. I merely wish to point this out so that it is not misconstrued as an factual truth. The Axioun were formed by merging all Antiochian guilds. Therefore, I don't believe we can actually state that we are not closely tied to Antioch."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Secondly, I believe he mentioned that he does not wish to see trials or tasks. Well, that is exactly what we have now, minus the task part since Meredyth added the advancement tasks after my news posts. What we have now is stagnation."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Ilira, you have made a valid point and I just want to clarify that nobody has ever stated that people would be forced to join a path or put in work for the guild's benefit. As you do not wish to be forced into doing things, others would like to be part of a path and pass trials. The ideas that were put forward are merely a proposal for those people that would like to be active and go through a well defined progression system."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "The combat path is aimed to help combatants hone their skills and provide them with a meaning. Non-combatants can freely choose other paths. Once again, nobody is forcing anybody to do anything."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Mehmed raised a good point and defined a sentiment that is shared by many."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "We have no purpose, nothing has been clearly defined and I believe, and I want to emphasize on the believe part, that ideas are turned down only due to the fact that they may uncover the lack of performance of certain individuals. Whilst I agree that clearly defining what we are not is a good start, nobody except Mehmed tried to steer the conversation towards what we could become. The conversation revolved more towards shutting down the things that were mentioned in the news posts."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "It's perfectly fine to say you think I'm doing nothing. Implying it doesn't make you any less rude."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "In my opinion, the Grand Master of Truth should be able to understand that a contradictory argument does not make it rude. I am simply stating my truth and as truth is as subjective as the purpose of this guild, here we are now."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "I would like to mention the name."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Some of you want to keep it, others wish to change it."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "I have actually received name suggestions from members."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Since I am no longer a secretary, I would certainly like to know if the referendum will continue or if the idea will be disregarded."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "I will not bore you with plans or ideas since I have already proposed a direction but I would certainly like to know what we think of the name and what are the plans for the future."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says, "I will say I am fine to seek out if the members want a change but your post made it sound like it was a done decision that we were going to change the name which surprised me since there was no discussion of it before hand."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "Once again, you seem to omit the word propose."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "And I do not understand why you would seek it out in person if we are able to call a referendum to decide it."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "That is what referendums are for."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Labelling something a proposal does not make it so when your intent is clear. A referendum, again, implies that we MUST and CAN change the name at whim."

In a soft Ithaquin accent, Frosted Rose, Ilira Athisia says, "Odd, I felt it read the same way, we weren't being told that it was an option, there would be a referendum of the different names from which we were to choose, and it felt implied Axioun would not be among them."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "It is not so simple a matter as that, which is why it was only ever a discussion."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says to Meredyth, "A referendum actually implies that the will of the majority will be considered valid."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says to Dhali, "Which discounts that the majority may not in fact wish to change it at all."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "If they do not wish to change it, they can place their vote on AXIOUN."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "As per the post that I have made which clearly states that."

In a soft Ithaquin accent, Frosted Rose, Ilira Athisia says, "Not really."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says to Ilira, "The post number is 899."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "I really do not understand how one can be clearer than this."

In a soft Ithaquin accent, Frosted Rose, Ilira Athisia says, "I read it, again, it did not read that way to me."

In a soft Ithaquin accent, Frosted Rose, Ilira Athisia says, "And it sounds like others."

Mehmed Ashtear, the anti-goon says, "Never in my five times of reading and rereading the post have I seen him saying that the current name will never be an option."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "I will quote it for you Ilira: "Some of you have sent me your name suggestions, others have stated that you want the name to remain the."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says, "I will quote it for you Ilira: "Some of you have sent me your name suggestions, others have stated that you want the name to remain the same. All of you should rest assured that the majority decide. The post regarding the name clearly stated that a referendum will be called and the name Axioun will be in that referendum.""

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "I should mention, for posterity, that I did not approve a referendum, nor are secretaries able to begin them."

In a soft Ithaquin accent, Frosted Rose, Ilira Athisia says, "You just now stated that, I was not refering to your speaking, but the post, in which it was unclear."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "And you chose, instead of clearing the matter with me, to simply go ahead and tell everyone what WOULD be happening."

Dhali Al'Edhi, the Sandstorm says to Ilira, "I was quoting the post that I have referred you too."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "And couched it as a proposal to save face."

Rhyse Athisia, Captain of the Obvious says to Dhali, "Per your post you said Let us all focus our creative efforts to devise a new name by which history will identify us in the years to follow."

In a faintly melodic tone, Radiant Meredyth Anar Gai'don, Faded Rose says, "Assuming that I would not care enough to disagree with you."


Penned by my hand on the 17th of Solis, in the year 196 AM.

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