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Public News Post #661

Recent things.

Written by: Kabal Vega
Date: Friday, February 6th, 2004
Addressed to: Everyone

Lets start from the top...

Fruit bats, everyones favorite topic. Early on in life, parents soon
learn pivotal lesson. If you want to teach your child to behave, avoid
the words, "don't do." Its the nature of small children (and pretty much
everyone else) that if you tell them "Don't look that way!", they look
that way. If you tell Aetherius not to see pink elephants, they'll find
the one pink elephant in the world. Bothering the rest of us with your
endless drivel about the preservation of the fruit consuming rats with
wings is truly one of those self important escapades. Lets keep it
between Ambassadors and enforce responsibility based in logic?

Aria and Raife, I'm absolutely positive that somewhere in this melodrama
of he said she said, he did she did, that there is ultimately the fact
that both of you are somewhat stupid to your own degree. Given, Raife is
probably one of more inept and misguided guildmasters Aetherius has ever
seen, but on the flipside, I've met Aria and she's no mental giant. Its
one of those unwritten rules that if you're planning to undermine a
person who is in power, you're supposed to keep a low profile. Given
current information, your band of little magi rebels were a little
conspicious, which of course led to Raife's tyrannical decision to 'take
you out.' Ultimately, Raife's lack of intellect and bad decision making
will lead to him being the newest replaced guildmaster, but you lost
that particular battle. None of us really care, this is why bards make
letters and we have messenger services. Your nagging gives them purpose
in life.

Kohdon and the Empire of Stavenn. Given the fact that I'm knee deep in
the whole reformative arguments within Stavenn, I'm quite impressed to
see Stavenn trying to peacefully return to their roots. Given the goals
and curernt methods of Stavenn, Kohdon would make excellent allies,
given their physical prowess and animalistic cunning. I applaud Iriaen
for the insight to make the attempt to unite the Kohdon beneath the
Banner of Stavenn and of course, curse down the foolish mutated
cockroach that sought to brag about his patriotism. When it comes down
to it, you are in fact no better than that which you slay. Such
ignorance and bloodlust are inherent in the lowiest of beings, but
unfortunately you seem quite educated, but without proper direction
(which places you about on the level of the fruit bats), its a pity
dehydration beneath the oppressive suns has warped you so.

Ah well, one meaningful discussion out of three isn't too bad, given the
circumstances inherent in our population. I must say, it is incredibly
soothing to actually see some cultural spit spats between philosophers,
with minor interjections from the cockroach population (colonial insects
have opinions too!). Its nice to see that everything doesn't resolve
around our weapons of choice!

K. Vega

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Tenebrae, in the year 426 AD.

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