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Public News Post #585

Khandava, may She always shine

Written by: Nature Priestess Ravven Anar, Nymph of the Wildwood
Date: Friday, December 26th, 2003
Addressed to: Everyone

Whee!! Are we having fun or what?! Harker I have to commend you, good
show! A passion for power, a few manipulations here, a few minions
there, a smile, that adorable Lycaean charm, and look what you
accomplished? Oh, before I forget, we mustn't forget that amazing
technique to twist words to suit the needs of one. We won't even get
into evasion and intent.

My issues was never with the Lady Nemesis, it was with how it was done,
the people of Khandava were never given a choice in the matter. While I
believe that wrath can definitely play a hand in the overall protection
of Khandava, it has no hand in the nurturing and survival of the Wilds.
I'll never buy that an animal's instinct, while it can be fierce and oft
times violent is anything but the will to survive, the passion to go on.
A jaguar is cunning out of need, he is a part of the circle, as are all
things. He simply must be more cunning than his prey, or he will not
survive. Bah...this is neither the time or place to do this, so I stop
with that tirade, besides I'm sure it's already obvious where I'm going
with it *laugh* Mother I'm rambling again!

The few of us who did ask questions were met with this "Oh my, how can
this be" ploy. Cute, very cute, albeit amusing to say the least. Just as
I cannot hide my true self, as much as I tried, there were things that
revealed something awry. I look forward to seeing you pass through the
archway as you yourself find your way to some distant land, perhaps
fulfill some dream. I don't begrudge you that, I simply don't like you
using Khandava to achieve your means.

While deemed a traitor, and killed for the thrill. Both the title and
seeing my head piked at the waterfall actually fill me with pride. For I
am no traitor to Khandava, and in my eyes, and in the eyes of others,
these things show I remained true to Khandava. It is you whom I chose to
disregard. Be it well, and when you are but a memory and a page in
history, I as well as many others will shine in Khandava, knowing we did
her well.

I'll be seeing you on the otherside...

Ravven Anar

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Aequitas, in the year 422 AD.

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