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Public News Post #570

traitor dog

Written by: Mookie Iolar Mog, Wild Pup of Asaka
Date: Thursday, December 25th, 2003
Addressed to: Harker Sunjackal, Ghost Dancer

*If it doesn't come up, this was supposed to be in lycaean and I wasn't
sure if you could write racial languages on the newsboard, so forgive me
if I was wrong*


Despite every criticism I have ever had for you, I always believed you
were a good leader with Khandava's best interests in your heart and this
alone allowed me to think of you as something more than whatever else I
think of you.

After hearing first the initial rumour of this drastic change of patron
and then seeing with my own eyes that you and the others who tricked
their way into the hearts of all of us, Khandavan by council association
or through our home in the forest, I felt only one word spring to mind,
and that was traitor.

The previous Khalifa, Lavinia, led Khandava proudly, efficiently and
with the view of the people in mind as well as what was best for all.
You and the others who betrayed the Khandavan people, council and
forest, have taken all of that work and dashed it against the ground.
The minor progress you've made, you've tainted with this secret agenda
that I wish I'd seen sooner.

On a less political scale and a more personal level; which I expect
you'll react to like the thug that you are - with brute force - you're a
dog, not a wolf and I hope you feel ashamed of the wrong you've done
against the pack which is Khandava.

I don't know who else was involved, though names have been used, I'd
rather stick to the one who is responsible above all.
I'm not allowed to re-join Khandava while you are in power, so I must
use the public forum instead.

p.s I usually sign my letters and posts with my pawprint, though its a
sign of respect that a dog does not deserve.

Penned by my hand on the 15th of Artificium, in the year 422 AD.

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