Imperian Game News

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Announce News Post #4132

Celebrations Part I

Written by: Skuf
Date: Friday, March 31st, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello, Imperian!

After a long hiatus, we are happy to announce the return of the Tournament of
Ages in order to celebrate Imperian's 20th anniversary! The game first went
online on April 4th, 2003, and as many of you know, it's been quite a
rollercoaster ride since. The staff and I have come up with an entire month of
events, filled with new and returning rewards. We hope you'll enjoy it!

Events, Schedule and Dates

You will find that we have cleared the automated SCHEDULE, and manually setup
events so they happen throughout the month. We have also scheduled every event,
so you can plan ahead.

- All events are scheduled around day change, which is midnight UTC.
This is 17:00 MST, 19:00 CST, 20:00 EST.

- There are two (2) automated events each week day, the first one (1) hour
before day change, and the next one (1) hour after. These will show on

- Weekend events are scheduled AT day change exactly, but are not automated.
Expect Torran to be around for those.

- Events last no more than an hour, though most don't last more than 30 mins.
The Horror Hunt has been reduced from 3 to 1 hour in duration.

- No events are planned for April 1st and 4th. That's not a joke!

See the next post for further details on events.

Aetherian Coins

We have a new currency for this month alone: Aetherian coins. These are
non-physical, non-tradeable coins. You can earn coins by:

- One (1) coin when participating in any scheduled event. Winning not required!
- One (1) coin for every 20 daily credits you earn.

Celebration Shop

Coins can be spent at the Celebration shop (v32535) in Caanae, where you'll find:

- Behavior scrolls for scepters. (HELP BEHAVIORS, HELP SCEPTER)
- A handful of new vanity pets.
- Two new artifact mounts.
- Artifact vials and pipes themed around each circles.

If none of this sparks your interest, you can also buy tickets to the Iron
Lottery or giftbags!

Anniversary Week

Anyone logging in from April 4th to the 10th (inclusive) will receive a letter,
a little token of our (the team) appreciation and a free ticket to the Iron

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Vita, in the year 306 AM.

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