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Announce News Post #3764

WoF Adjustments and Other Changes

Written by: Jeremy
Date: Monday, April 9th, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

Some of these changes have been in for a couple weeks and were not previously announced.

- Played with the chances and items in Wheel of Fortune for spins purchased from the website (not with credits in-game). They will now be valued slightly higher. Some items, like the bombs and leaves, have been removed. We have added: the Divination Crystal, Fishing Charm, Historical Document, Accountant's Book, and a new XP item, a Glowing Soulgem (see below). It will not always give you three items anymore. It may only give you one major item or several smaller ones.

- The issue involving mobs being unable to kill players and turning them into statues has been fixed.

- Mobs will give more XP when there are multiple hostile mobs in the room. Previously this was only done for loyal mobs.

- The alluring gem has been toned down. Mobs will not continually wander into a room where several mobs already exist. They will stack up around that room and wander into it as the creatures are killed, but you cannot get 50 creepers into a single room anymore. This was stacking with the new cards which created a very overpowered situation. Especially when factoring in the XP changes above.

- Baubles of alteration now reset every 48 hours, instead of every 12 days.

- Demon card was changed to an Eternity card.

- The Eternal's attacks were set incorrectly and have been adjusted. Previously they were out of control with time 4 damage and the like.

- New Pattern in Apothecary: Cologne

- New Artifact: a glowing soulgem (40 credits): Triple XP for 8 hours.

- Whisperers should no longer be seen clobbering each other.

- A few new doubloon/spawnwave areas were set up. We will have a few more this week.

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Tenebrae, in the year 161 AM.

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