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Announce News Post #3684

Bugs Dead

Written by: Jeremy
Date: Thursday, November 9th, 2017
Addressed to: Everyone

- Fixed some problems with ethereal chain messages and not breaking in some cases.

- Fixed a problem with some mobs spawning in player houses.

- Newbies will now have purge blood enabled in autocuring when first created.

- Posters report unknown languages properly now.

- Fixed a couple problems with auto curing not healing prone when you had stood up from previously, voluntarily sitting.

- Granting amnesty to city enemies will now allow them to raid with you by creating the miasma.

- Adjusted "ta oyiem" in voice to give two separate afflictions when it can. Previously there was a chance it would do the same affliction twice, thus doing nothing.

- Bottles of hot air will work from glass boxes now.

- Fixed a loop problem with posters.

- The Wheel of Fortune will no longer give you any of the "leaves" twice in one spin.

- Boneyards report how much longer you must wait before you can take another.

- Added the honours for Champion streaks. The help file said there was one, but it was never coded. Monthly winners will now be rewarded.

- The slippery cloak was not working in all cases. That is now fixed.

- Placed some black mithril around Tayar to help with the "The Tayar Shield Ritual" quest.

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Letum, in the year 149 AM.

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