Game Help

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5.4.1 Profession Skill - Artistry (Bard)

The art of crafting has been present in Aetherius for countless years, from the simple making of letters for writing, to journals for recording histories, to crafting beautiful instruments to bring music to the masses. 

Artistry allows many mundane things to be created, for use across the world. Yet there are also certain artesian creations that have more esoteric abilities, and though the secrets of their very construction involve symbols and components that can effect the wave of magickal tides are not known to those outside of the profession, it is known that masters of their craft can create paintings which can capture the very essence of their subject, allowing them to possess certain abilities of their originator. 

Magical sketches you can draft will follow you wherever you go, offering you their services both in combat and in times of peace. While the myriad of instruments you can craft will always come in handy, the portraits of your allies will ensure they are never more than a word away from salvation.

Artistry is used by the Bard (HELP BARD) profession.